Real Friends, LLC

Setting up shop to be friends with you :)

What is Real Friends, LLC?


Real Friends, LLC is a company based in the heart of Silicon Valley, California that provides nurturing and sincere human presence as a service. It presents a unique and intriguing concept in today's increasingly digital and sometimes impersonal world. It aims to address a fundamental human need for connection, understanding, and companionship, which is often overlooked in our fast-paced, technology-driven society.

The company aims to address feelings of loneliness, grief, stress, and the need for genuine human connection by offering companionship and emotional support through various forms of interaction​​​​. We offer services such as in-person meetings, virtual interactions in 3D spaces, phone calls, and texting friendships, catering to different preferences and needs for human interaction.

This flexibility acknowledges the diverse ways in which people seek and maintain connections in the modern world. By offering human presence as a service, it challenges the conventional boundaries of professional and personal relationships, potentially filling a gap in the lives of those who feel isolated or disconnected.

Understandably, this concept raises questions about the nature of friendship and companionship when they are provided as paid services. It challenges the traditional understanding of friendship as an inherently mutual, non-transactional relationship. This has led to debates on the authenticity of the connections formed and the potential psychological impacts on both the service providers and the clients. We are not unaware of this. 

Locally, our emphasis on confidentiality, emotional intelligence training, and the distinction from professional mental health services aims to show a thoughtful approach to the complexities and responsibilities involved in offering such personal and impactful services.

Overall, Real Friends LLC is novel but is a 100% sincere response to a real and growing need for deeper, more meaningful human connections in our hyper-capitalistic, transactional society. Its success and impact would likely depend on how it navigates the delicate balance between offering genuine human interaction and maintaining the professional boundaries inherent in a service-based relationship.

Questions? Click on the chat box on the lower right for more :)

  • Andres A.

    Tim has been a meaningful friend in my life throughout the years. We have met in person a few times since we have always lived in different countries, but we have kept in touch consistently since we met. He has an insightful way of looking at things. Our friendship has helped me grow as an artist, since he is generous with his knowledge about both theory and art practice. He cares a lot about community and incorporates it into his life and work: he is ocnstantly creating opportunities for people to meet and connect meaningfully. I am happy to call Tim a Real Friend

  • Somebody in California

    I've never met anyone quite like Tim. He's so kind, honest, and approachable. Such a joy to talk to - I always feel better after chatting with him. I'm so glad to be friends with Tim!

  • Sebastian K.

    Tim is a good friend! Especially when times get tough! He knows how to entertain, comfort, stay in contact. You can talk with him about all sorts of things, as he has a very open ear to what you might tell him. He always has his own projects going, but always puts his family first. I am glad to know Tim for a while now and whatever is your situation I would hope for you to meet him as well.

Terms of Service

Terms of Service

These Terms of Service (“Agreement”) are a legal agreement between you (“Client”) and Real Friends, LLC (“Company”) and govern your use of the Company’s services, including its website, social media applications and other mobile applications (collectively, the “Services”). The humans who work for Real Friends, LLC are Service Providers, or Real Friend Providers.

1. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
By using the Services, you agree to be bound by this Agreement. If you do not agree with any part of this Agreement, you may not use the Services.

1.1 Beginning of Usage
Once we have received your payment and your Service Provider indicates to the Client in the correspondence that the Services have begun, they have indeed begun.

1.2 Payment for Usage
The corresponding Service Provider will let the Client know when the Services have begun and when they are about to end.

2. Use of Services
The Services are intended for personal use only and are not intended for commercial use. You agree to use the Services in a manner consistent with all applicable laws and regulations and in a manner that does not interfere with the use and enjoyment of the Services by other users.

The purpose of the Services is to provide friendship to those that want and need it. It is not a dating application like Tinder, nor is it an escort service. While Real Friend Providers will provide sincere presence with and for you through our text messaging and in-Person options, our services do not include engaging in sexual activities, remotely or in-Person. Hugging is ok, but no kissing or touching of the genitals. We’re not obligated to have sex with you. You can tell us whatever you like. Talking about sex is ok, if your Real Friend Provider is OK with it. They will let you know. Treat us like fellow humans, because we ARE fellow humans. Why do you want to have sex? When was the last time? What was it like? What makes you want to have sex? What does it remind you of? What are you currently feeling? What’s going on with your body? Have you seen a health care professional recently? How is your blood pressure? Any Hypertension? Are you getting enough Vitamin C? What was your life like 10 years ago? What is your favorite restaurant? How do you feel about this and that about so and so and what changed over the years? What happened to so and so? Tell us about it. Just don’t touch our genitals or make advances, etc. We will not sleep with you, but we are glad to hear you talk about it. We sincerely care for you, all of you, not just your genitals. Service Providers may engage with your to a certain degree, but once they have had enough they will let you know, and the Client MUST respect it, as they would respect any human being IRL. Any breaching of this will terminate the Client’s privilege of using our Services, and the full charge will not be refunded.

Clients: You are free to be you, and are free to express yourself however you’d like, sexually or not. However, your Real Friend Provider is not obligated to act in any way you demand. We are not sexbots, but are real human beings, and so will respond to you as a real human being, with restraint, altogether with respect and kindness. We ask that you do the same. We are not AI Chatbots, but real human beings that have real emotions and real lives. If all you want to do is talk dirty, we recommend you try other avenues, such as AI Chatbots (eg. Replika AI, EVA AI, etc). We at Real Friends, LLC believe that there is a way to achieve human intimacy without engaging in sex per se. We do it through friendship :)

Our Real Friend Providers carry full permission to respond or engage or disengage with the Client should the Client become violent, or express themselves in overtly aggressive sexual behaviors (ie. Talking Dirty to Real Friend Providers, Flirting, Personal inquiries about their bodies, physicality, sexual life, etc), discretion to engage or disengage with the Client fully belongs to the Real Friend Provider, and the Real Friend Provider has the full right to disengage whenever they see fit; the full charge cost will not be refunded.

3. You have no rights in or to the Services other than the right to use the Services in accordance with this Agreement. You may not copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, transmit, display, perform, publish, license, create derivative works from , or sell any part of the Services and the exchanges that occur within the Services.

4. Termination
The Company may terminate your use of the Services at any time without notice for any reason. You may also terminate your use of the Services at any time by ceasing to use the Services.

5. Indemnification
You agree to indemnify and hold the Company harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorney’s fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of the Services, your violation of this Agreement, or your infringement of any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity.

6. Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and the Company and supercedes all prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, regarding the Services. This Agreement is allowed to change and be updated at any time, without notice. Your continued use of the Services following any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the revised Agreement.

7. Contact Information
If you have any questions about these Terms of Service, please contact us at